Overthinkers Therapy
Overthinking: The art of creating problems out of ones that were never there in the first place.
You think too much
In spite of this, you’ve done well. You’ve graduated from the best schools, landed the best jobs, raised kids and have achieved remarkable results. Yet, your over-active mind causes anxiety that has gone nowhere.
There’s so much more you want to do. So many more places you want to go. So much you want to achieve. Yet you’re stuck rehearsing the tracks and voices in your head causing you to question and doubt yourself.
You over-analyze everything. Your relationships have been plagued by indecisiveness. You stay in them too long even when they’ve run its course. You struggle with the paralysis of analysis. You’re afraid to take risks. You’re afraid of messing up. You don’t want to make a mistake.
You say, “Follow your heart” is your motto, yet each time, you do it afraid. You don’t want to mess up. You don’t want to choose wrong. So most days you refuse to choose at all.
Overthinking and anxiety go hand in hand. You always valued the way you could see things from every angle. Yet your seeing things from different perspectives left you stuck. You never know what to do with all the information you have. All of this thinking has you living in fear. You procrastinate on major decisions.
Now, you are ready to let go of the fear cause you’ve had enough.
Yes, you can free yourself so that you can move on.
You seek inner guidance. You know that there is a better way to live. You desire to connect to the truth that lives within you. You want to know where you are going and how to get there. You want to live a life of greater confidence and peace. You want to get out of your head and be able to say, “I enjoyed the ride.” You want to live boldly. You want to quiet all the external voices and connect to the peace that lives within.
Therapy will help you Gain Confidence
Your tendency to over-think is not your fault! It was your coping mechanism to survive. It helped you get through difficult phases in your life.
It helped you get approval from the people most important to you. It kept you out of trouble.
On the other hand, you realize it keeps you from living the life that you’ve always wanted. It’s made you question yourself. It’s made you trust others over yourself.
It’s time to heal your tendency to doubt yourself. It’s time to heal your tendency to place others’ thoughts and opinions over yours.
Therapy will Provide you Guidance and Direction
The message for you today: You are not alone. There are many who have been able to overcome the tendency to overthink and doubt yourself. You have a source within that leads and guides you along the way. Problem is: you’ve been taught to ignore that source. You’ve been taught to put other people and things in front of that “still small voice.” Therapy will help you reconnect to your deepest self. It’s not too late to discover the guidance that lives within you.
Book a free 15- minute consultation today.